Our Services.

We offer a full range of mortgage and protection services. See below for some of our most popular.


Mortgages are loans which are intended to help buyers purchase residential property. When you take out a loan, the lender charges interest: the...

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There are events we can all face that have the potential to wreck lives and families.

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Equity Release

If you're over the age of 55, equity release offers you a way to use the value of your home to raise money.

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Welcome to [Company Name].

Contact us now and see how our friendly service and know-how can help ensure you get the right mortgage to enable the purchase of a new home, a property to let or simply to re-mortgage your existing property.

A mortgage is a large financial transaction and we are here to make sure you get it right and help ensure the process runs smoothly and efficiently.

As mortgage brokers we have access to a comprehensive range of UK mortgages and re-mortgage products from many different lenders across the market. Once we understand your individual circumstances and needs, we will be able to research the mortgage market and recommend the most suitable mortgage deal for you. As part of our service, we will deal with the lender on your behalf, taking the stress out of the process for you.

We can also help ensure you have the right insurance and protection in place to cover you and your home.

So, if you are looking for a mortgage, please call us today on 033 33 447 300 or email us at info@mortgage-pro.co.uk and we'll be pleased to help you.



Our Main Services.

Just some of the things we can help you with

  • First Time Buyer

    The prospect of buying your first home could be both daunting and confusing.

  • Remortgaging

    Remortgaging can help your financial health in many ways.

  • Buy-to-let

    Buy-to-let (BTL) mortgages are specifically for individuals who wish to buy residential property ...

  • Life Assurance

    Protection and peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

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033 33 447 300

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Testimonial 3
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Curabitur a efficitur tortor. In vitae consectetur diam. Cras aliquam risus vel mollis tempus. Sed efficitur faucibus dui, vel tincidunt nisi vestibulum et. Ut faucibus porta mauris tristique semper. Nam ut mi bibendum dui tempus scelerisque. Donec placerat dignissim eros ac iaculis. Nullam eleifend, magna vitae auctor pulvinar, quam enim dapibus turpis, a ornare tortor erat vel dolor. Etiam faucibus gravida orci, tincidunt efficitur lorem fringilla nec.

Testimonial 2
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in nisl dapibus, vehicula nibh sed, venenatis sapien. Quisque consequat varius ex, ac sagittis ante vulputate eget. Mauris id suscipit urna. Vestibulum venenatis quis ex nec blandit. Donec eu orci nunc. Nunc molestie lacus arcu, vitae ornare metus varius vel. Etiam eu elit risus. Phasellus tristique condimentum dui et posuere. Sed rutrum nulla id nibh facilisis sollicitudin. Donec a est ac arcu porta commodo. Donec eget lobortis justo, ut pulvinar neque. Proin viverra, eros in vehicula fermentum, odio lectus placerat lectus, et facilisis tellus tortor hendrerit elit. Aliquam vel dapibus risus, nec pellentesque diam. Curabitur eget sodales enim. Nunc a lorem non diam placerat sagittis ac a tortor. Suspendisse eget augue sed dui finibus rhoncus.

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033 33 447 300
192B Station Road,
Edgware HA8 7AR.
